Why Our Communication Never Improves - Part 1 communication confidence development leadership communication competence leadership communication confidence Jan 03, 2023

This is part of one of a five-part series on leadership communication and the good, the bad, and the ugly communication leaders face in their organizations. Leaders must...

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As a Leader, Start Close-In to Finish On Top communication confidence development leadership communication competence leadership communication confidence Dec 09, 2022

I'm a big fan of the Irish Poet, David Whyte.

He has a poem called "Start Close In. You can listen to him recite at that link. Here's how it starts and is just a small...

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Your Communication Confidence May Be Set By Age 5 communication confidence development leadership communication competence leadership communication confidence personality development Nov 22, 2022

Pretty scary thought, isn't it?

When I was transitioning out of my first career as professional baseball CEO into a coaching, consulting, speaking, and writing career, I...

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